
Monday, June 29, 2009

i really hate school.

school is shit

Yeah Bro, I'm Awesome 5:37 AM

Friday, June 26, 2009

We'll Miss You MJ: The one and only King of Pop (August 29 1958- June25 2009)

I thought it was only fair that we celebrate the life of a Legend with this tribute video:
I hope we remember MJ for his music and impecable dancing skills and not for the controversy surrounding his life. This is a great loss.
Sorry Bikram this Blog is ment to be a funny but it would be an insult to ignore the life of Sir Michael Joseph Jackson

Yeah Bro, I'm Awesome 7:42 PM

King of BLOG

r.i.p michael jackson,
may you moon walk up the escalators leading to heaven

once a black man, always a black man (Y)

Yeah Bro, I'm Awesome 3:43 AM

Thursday, June 25, 2009

BLOG of Origin 2

it was all the refs fault, its been the refs fault for 4 years

dw though boys and girls, may i introduce the future heroes of the

New South Wales State Of Origin Blues


good times are only a year away :)

Yeah Bro, I'm Awesome 1:47 AM

Sunday, June 21, 2009


this is a joint post by murali and bikram to announce that...

CSFI is back babbbbyy !

Yeah Bro, I'm Awesome 3:44 AM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

BLOG Diamond

being tired sucks. 

 if the sun didnt get tired, the moon wouldnt have to wake up, meaning we'd have daylight all the time, so we can do whatever we want. 

if the summer didnt get tired, winter would never come, and toilet seats would be warm all year round.

if the holidays never got tired, we'd never have to go to school. and if we didnt have school we wouldnt have tests, and if we didnt have tests we wouldnt have reports! ( I am no longer in the bottom 30  !)

if microsoft never got tired, computers would have been invented in the pyramids, so that the pharoas could create a blog and reveal the secret to the pyramids, or the aliens that built them.

if captain planet never got tired, captain pollution would never be able to create global warming. although i seriously think global warming started when murali was born... cause hes so hot!

if the dinosaurs didnt get tired of living, they would still roam the earth, offering free taxi service to humans in an era of lame transportation. trains and buses suck, everyone should be riding terrordactils.

if only i could find a way of being awesome 24/7, because sleeping really puts a halt on things. if i didnt sleep, i could be awesome for another 8 hours a day, 12 on weekends.

yes, my next life goal will be to create a sleep machine, that allows me to sleep while being awake.

Yeah Bro, I'm Awesome 12:36 AM

Sunday, June 14, 2009

No Country For Old BLOG

todays BLOG will be of utmost importence, and will not be funny one bit.

u may want to go run and get some tissues now, because u may end up crying after reading this.

i have currently run out of ideas, and will be leaving BLOG temporarily to pursue another carreer.


i will return at least once a week, because the people of BLOG come first.

when BLOG was first born, and i held him in my arms, i experienced a sudden glow, almost as if a saviour was born, and unlike john conner, this saviour did not completely suck.

BLOG provided us with many laughs, made us happy when we felt down, made us warm when we felt cold, made our skies sunny when god made them grey.

BLOG told me once, i love u like a bro bikram.

i love u too bro

p.s i think murali and sid will be posting like once a week as well so its all good

p.p.s since murali has decided to become all deep, u'll now find us at the deep end of the pool with the big boys, as we threw our floaties away and left the shallow end

Yeah Bro, I'm Awesome 12:01 AM

Friday, June 12, 2009

u think u know bigger words than us? think again

None of the following words are made up and believe it or not I know the meaning of every single on these words. Using big words on blogs isn't going to get ur english mark up so why do it? If u think ur blog's smarter than ours because u use big words then ur wrong. We know tons of big words.

PNEUMONO­ULTRA­MICRO­SCOPIC­SILICO­VOLCANO­CONIOSIS--------bet u dont know what that means




ANTI­DIS­ESTABLISH­MENT­ARIAN­ISM ---------this proves im smart


Yeah Bro, I'm Awesome 5:13 AM

Never forget the entertainment and love that animals give us

http://www.myspacecutecomments.com/images/funny/cute-funny-animals-01.jpgi swear i didn't do it

http://www.funny-animals.org/wp-content/funny-animals/funny-animals.jpgdo i know you?
http://www.dailyillusions.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/animal-fun.jpgYEH BABY!!!
http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm134/HOTDOGQUEEN/funny_animals_pictures_481.jpgI love rock and roll

Yeah Bro, I'm Awesome 4:33 AM

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Day My BLOG Went Psycho

what is this new trend of being puntuational on every form of internet. its not gnna make u any better than anyone else if u use full stops and quotation marks (we know how lame quotes are) and capital letters. the only form of punctuation i beleive are respectable is the exclamtion mark, used to show excitement. here is an example of the appropriate use of a !

person a: heeeeyyy bro did u read BLOG

person b: yeah bro!

notice, even though person a is asking a question, he remains cool as he did not use a ? at the end.

person b shows his love for BLOG, and actually increases his level of coolness by 3% with the correct use of the ! function

the moral of todays story is, its not important whether u dot ur eyes or cross ur tea's, what really matters is...

do u read BLOG

(notice i kept my coolness without using a question mark)

Yeah Bro, I'm Awesome 2:06 AM

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How to BLOG a Guy in 10 Days

as other blogs have shown us guys the way to get chicks in ten steps, ill show u how to get a guy in 10 days

Day 1: tell the guy u like him

Day 2-10: go out with aformentioned guy

Day 10-infinite: repeate step 2

u now have a boyfriend, well done

Yeah Bro, I'm Awesome 4:35 AM

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So You Think You Can BLOG?


boredom is so boring. if boredom was a person, he'd probably just sit by himself all day, not talking to anyone whilst being boring. i once met boredom, but my body couldnt handle it, and instead converted it into pure awesomeness.

for those of you who dont possess this ability, i have some handy helping pointers for u...

1) if youre bored in a elevator, try closing your eyes and pressing any button. if you happen to press the alarm, the security guards will come rushing in, which means you'll have a few friends to talk to.

2) if youre about to go into a really boring class, give yourself a wedgie beforehand, and see if you can pick it out whilst seated without anyone realising.

3) if youre bored in the toilet, read k-zone. k-zone provides a very unbias view on the world through the eyes of very wise and magical people known as elves. these elves, or children in the english language, know everything, and are often EIGHT whole years old.

4) if youre bored at home, move into your neighbours house. when he kicks you out, you'll be glad to be home again

5) if youre bored in an aeroplane, try skydiving, however there may, aka will, not be any safety gear. this is very fun and often leads you to a better place ;)

6) if youre bored of this blog, theres something wrong with you.

7) if youre bored of eating the same food, pick out every single thing in the fridge and cupboard and place it in a blender, creating a wholesom, nutritional meal

8) if youre bored at work, tell your boss hes fired. when he proceeds to fire you, you wont have work, and will now be bored at home (luckily we've got solutions to that too)

9) if youre really bored, look at all of my posts. you'll realise all the heading are popular tv shows/movies, with the word BLOG somewhere in them. try figuring out the real title of the show/movie for each of them.

10) if youre bored of being single, fold yourself in half. you should now be double, or half, depending on how you look at it.

11) if youre bored of being bored, read our blog.

bikram gill

Yeah Bro, I'm Awesome 12:30 AM

Monday, June 8, 2009

Get back to reality!: Sid

It seems as if many of us have now started making goals about what career path we're going to take. Well let me bring you back to reality.
No one gives a shit about what job ur gonna do in the future and you're only around 15 years of age so dont get your hopes up. You think your smart and you think your life is gonna be great but unfortunately thinking doesn't do shit. When it comes to the doing part we're all like, "oh im tired I'll do it tomorrow". Well if you keep doing that your not gonna get anywhere. Like I said you may think your smart and intellegent and bright and whatever your kindi teacher told you but there's a few million retards out there just like you and not all of them get what they want.

Get back to reality. There's no such thing as "perceived reality". Its all bullshit.
Excuse the swearing. Sometimes we have to swear to get the message across.

Yeah Bro, I'm Awesome 5:08 AM

BLOG Me If You Can



who says i wanna wake up in the morning and feel like i have a purpose. why does my life have to mean something. therefore, im going to say, inspiration is holding the human race back.

see if there was no inspiration:

schools would not set tests. (you may say, well how does that hold us back? it makes us smarter right? WRONG. tests, although seemingly innocent, are actually sucking your brains out while you sleep)

people would not think of quotes. "and then we wouldnt use these stupid symbols every time we feel like being inspirational"

people wouldnt bother cleaning anything, making our senses more and more powerful until we evolve from humans into apes, which is actually the direction the evolution cycle should have been going.

people wouldnt think of scary stories, making our children feel safer.


Yeah Bro, I'm Awesome 12:57 AM

Thursday, June 4, 2009

BLOG at the Museum: bgill



people are too mean to drugs these days. drugs was probably just some nice kid in high school, trying to get on with his life and make a few friends here and there. but then people started bulling drugs, so he decided, you know what, i want revenge. after saying this drugs started taking control of peoples lives and to this day, haunts our youths.

IF humans were nice to drugs in the first place, all of our youths would be hooked on happiness and laughter instead of heroine.

IF humans were nice to drugs, the third little pig would have built his house out of marijuana, so that when the big bad wolf huffed and puffed, he became high. then the pigs and the (now) big good wolf would have been best friends, often playing golf together.

IF humans were nice to drugs, Hitler might have shaved his moustache, the real source of his power.

IF humans were nice to drugs, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow might have existed.

If humans were nice to drugs, drugs would be nice to humans.

Therefore, id just like to say. drugs are really bad, stay away from them at all times, and also needles are scary as so seriously, if you do drugs, just stay away from me or i might start crying when i see those sharp needles.

Yeah Bro, I'm Awesome 11:57 PM

My First Post

Hi my name is Sid and this is my first post ever. My morale at the moment isn't great and i've completely lost my self esteem so this post may not be the coolest. Sorry folks. What I've noticed in the past few days is that people aren't reading Bikram's blog too often so he's added two wingmen to boost this blog's popularity.

Okay enough of the introduction now lets make fun of someone. Hmmm how about that dipshit spanish retard who's known worldwide for picking his ass, Nadal.
Here's a picture of Nadal hard at work
Note: The muscles in his right arm tense as he vigorously stuffs his finger up his ass.
There are only two reasons which can explain this rare phenomenon.
1. He's got a hairy asshole which regularly needs to be massaged or
2. He's wearing a G-string
Either way you look at it the guy's a retard and if u like nadal then ur a retard.

I'll have more serious life issues later on so stick around cuz if ur read this blog ur cool. BYE

Yeah Bro, I'm Awesome 12:55 AM

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


In a surprise twist of events, me and my fellow wingmen have agreed it is time to come out of hiding, as the police scanners all over the world have malfunctioned and they can no longer find us!

without further ado, i bring to you


Yeah Bro, I'm Awesome 5:09 AM

BLOG of Origin

Beleive it or not, there are 2 people in the world who are actually more awesome than me. today, im putting aside everything else, and will instead dedicate this post to honouring the aforementioned awesomer-than-me people.


When i was just a little boy, my dad took me to the panthers home game, held me in his arms, and said "son, i love you like a son, but i can never love you as much as i love luke lewis." to which i replied "amen."


Caption: GET OUT OF MY WAY! I'm going home to read bikrams BLOG!


Again, we will delve deeper into my early childhood. although the details may have been lost in translation (from english to english), as i recall, the events proceeded like this. i was just a little kid, crawling around all day with poopy in my diaper. then all of a sudden, i got up and took my first steps! my mum came running in, jumping for joy. yet my dad stared me down coldly and said "son, youre an embarassment. michael jennings can run around the universe and stop at every single KFC store in the world in -24 hours (he runs so fast time goes backwards)."



I hope one day i can be awesome like them.


Yeah Bro, I'm Awesome 12:12 AM

Monday, June 1, 2009

T2: BLOGment Day

First of all, id like to say that seeing as this BLOG is awesome, its only right for me to say thankyou to everyone that reads it, because part of being awesome is giving back to the people that make this BLOG awesome.

Secondly, those with inside knowledge on my future wingmen, especially the ones named tammy, please show off as much as possible about knowing this super awesome secret, but dont tell anyone :)

Thirdly, heres your clue...

both are in our grade, at our school, and both are awesome.

HAHAHAHA. sorry cant narrow it down too much, all will be revealed on Wednesday night, when not just one, but BOTH wingmen will reveal themselves, LIVE, with their respective first posts.

Due to the Wingmen reveal, i've decided to put all life issues on hold in order to not explode this blog with too much awesomeness at any one time. life issues will return thursday night!

Yeah Bro, I'm Awesome 12:42 AM
{ ME }

My name is Bikram Gill.
This is BLOG.
Bikrams Land Of Glory
Supported by my Trusty Wingmen Sid and Murali




Provided by california web design company.

{ the past }

{ credits }

skin by alex
fonts from dafont